
Ninite offline installer
Ninite offline installer

ninite offline installer

Packages on (the Chocolatey Community Package Repository) are created by the community and reviewed by moderators.Multiple sources including private sources.Decentralized with a central community package repository.Main purpose: Chocolatey is a global PowerShell execution engine that knows about a packaging format.Only use case is for folks who have access to install applications on their machines.Update apps simply by running the installer again.All GUI based unless you pay for Pro version.Guarantees success with installs since they control every aspect of the packages.Has a tight integration with products as the Ninite staff is the only one who updates packages.Main purpose: Ninite is an installer that keeps off the crapware.

ninite offline installer

Both are solid solutions in their own right, but you need to understand the needs and what the two solutions provide to really make a choice on them.

ninite offline installer

They are limited by what Ninite can rebundle and redistribute. That is fine, Ninite works but it only has like 90+ things you can install. A lot of folks out there are always wanting to point out that there is Ninite when someone mentions Chocolatey.

Ninite offline installer